
(*M & L:S. Breuer)

What's the capital of paris
What's more, a meter or a pound
Can a model save the world
From getting ugly, fat and round
The man on the street is clever enough
Not to show what he knows, cause our system is rough

Stupidocracy all over the world
Stupidocracy all over the world

Stupidocracy all over the world
Stupidocracy all over the world

One day we all be chinese
Cause we're about to die out
We'll all be looking different
Last night someone changed my eyes were changed out

A smart line or two, could really pimp up the song
But the manager said, the crowd is never wrong

Stupidocracy all over the world
Stupidocracy all over the world

It's such a brand new world
Santa brought it with his deers
You can change it for anyone
Within the first 6000 years

Stupidocracy all over the world
Stupidocracy all over the world

Stupidocracy all over the world
Stupidocracy all over the world

Stupidocracy all over the world
Stupidocracy all over the world

Stupidocracy all over the world
Stupidocracy all over the world
